Image courtesy of Sanofi Pasteur on Flickr, CC

On August 14, 2019, the HealthMap system was alerted to a potential cholera outbreak in Mandera, Kenya. When the media report was published, 6 people had been hospitalized since August 9, 2019, four of which had laboratory-confirmed cholera. An RFI was sent on August 13, 2019 at 9:24AM EST.

EpiCore community members responded on August 20, 2019 and were able to provide additional information about this cholera situation. This cholera event is a part of a confirmed outbreak. An index case was identified on June 4, 2019, and cases have steadily increased since the initial case was identified. The total number of identified cases is 296, with one death. From August 11-17, 12 more cases were diagnosed. EpiCore responders have reported that this is an active outbreak.

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