Many children around the world become infected with chickenpox. However, there has been an increase in the number of patients with chickenpox in many regions of Ukraine. With 6,500 recorded cases of chickenpox in children since the beginning of 2011, Kiev has had three times the number of infections than during the same period in 2010 when less than 2,000 cases were recorded. The NIH describes chickenpox as a classic childhood disease. “A child or adult with chickenpox may develop hundreds of itchy, fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts. Chickenpox is caused by a virus… In most cases, it is enough to keep children comfortable while their own bodies fight the illness.” В Украине свирепствует ветрянка. Рост числа больных ветряной оспой сейчас констатируют в каждом регионе. Так, только в Киеве с начала этого года больных киевлян зафиксировано втрое больше, чем за такой же период 2010-го. Сейчас в Киеве 6500 зараженных ветряной оспой детей, за такой же период в прошлом году не было и 2 тысяч.

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